Saturday, September 20, 2014
Saturday, September 20, All Levels Change of Pace Vinyasa
Annette's forearm plank roll-ups are my new favorite thing! We practiced this sequence, using them for foundational awareness in navel:
palming the eyes, eyes softening, dark cool cave at back of mouth, ease around jaw, so-ham inhale-exhale
crocodile, sphinx, clasped hands cobra
Annette's plank roll-ups, exhale belly and pelvis with 3 count kumbhaka (hold breath out) x6, then lift legs, too, x6
crocodile aand armless cobra again
child's pose, roll into deep squat, roll up to soft uttanasana, ardha uttanasana, uttanasana
uddiyana bandha x6-8
begin surya namaskar B, but add crescent moon, crescent w/ eagle arms, , curl toes under to lungs, virabhadrasana 3 with eagle arms, step back into crescent, release arms, lizard sequence, dog, other side. we did this sequence twice.
On the second round we added forearm vasisthasana after lizard, child's pose, dog, other side
child's pose, roll up to deep squat, soft uttana, ardha and uttana, surya namaskar B. beginnings, crescent moon side stretch to pigeon, to eka pada rajakapotasana, holding back leg, vinyasa, other side
bow with bolster under belly, under hips, no bolster, crocodile, sphinx, armless cobra, child's pose, deep squat, soft uttana, ardha, and uttana with 3 count hold after exhale, deep squat to roll down to paschimo., supta baddha konasana to savasana
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Annette's Tuesday Night Class
Annette is the new teacher of our Tuesday night All Levels class! This was tonight's practice to the best of my memory:
1. kappalabhati
2. abdominal work
3. spine spirals
4. tadasana
5. surya namaskar A. x3
6. To surya namaskar A. she added twists: first round lunging twist w/ prayer hands, second round lunging twist w/ open arms (paravrrta parsvakonasana), third round bound variation
7. tree 1 and 2 x2 each, then forward bend in tree
8. deep squat to floor
9. janu sirsasana
10. wide leg seated forward fold
11. trikonasana on mat, at wall, on mat agaian
12. prasarita padottanasana
13. deep squat to floor
14. paschimo. x2
15. dead bug and floating baddha konasana x2 each
16. savasana
It was the perfect class for me after writing for thirty hours this weekend!! thank you, Annette. Sat Nam.
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